Digestive care

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    350,00 AED

    30 BILLION BIOTIC by Pharma TRUST is a product which supports gastrointestinal, digestive & immune system health because it has Bacillus subtilis which is is a spore creating Gram-positive bacterium, found in soil and the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, such as cattle, goats and sheep. It is also found in the human GI tract.


    190,00 AED

    Trust Digest Matrix capsules from Pharma Trust contain plant based digestive enzyme complex which is essential for supporting digestion and relief colon pain. Improve your Nutrient absorption and Your Energy with our Digest Matrix Premium Quality Product.


    225,00 AED

    15-DAY DETOX Improves your General Heath and Remove Toxins which lead to many problems such as
    1- Gain weight ( because toxins be stored in fatty cells ) .
    2-Wrinkles ( toxins are source of free radicals which cause aging ) .
    3- Stress .
    4- Indigestion.
    يحسن صحتك العامة ويزيل السموم التي تؤدي إلى العديد من المشاكل مثل
    زيادة الوزن (بسبب تخزين السموم في الخلايا الدهنية)
    التجاعيد (السموم هي مصدر الجذور الحرة التي تسبب الشيخوخة).
    الإجهاد .
    عسر الهضم.


    175,00 AED

    Boost your Immune System, loose your weight and Belly Fat with our Premium Qulaity ULTRAPROBIOTIC Product, Pharma TRUST ULTRAPROBIOTIC Helps to keep your Heart Healthy and Reduces Symptoms of Digestive Disorder.